Innovative Export Model

If you really consider the cost of the markdown

and the cost of the stockout, then absolutely being on
onshore and Made in America makes sense

By Lauren Sherman, November 7, 2016


In Dec 2018, the Business Roundtable, CEOs of nearly 200 major U.S. corporations, issued a statement Monday with a new definition of the "purpose of a corporation."

The re-imagined idea of a corporation drops the age-old notion that corporations function first and formest to serve their shareholders and maximize profits. Rather, investing in employees, delivering value to customers, dealing ethically with suppliers and supporting outside communities are now at the forefront of American business goals, according to the statement.

By Jamie Dimon, CEO, JP Morgan Chase, December 6, 2018


American manufacturers are traditionally known for products that are high-quality, safe, innovative, and consistent. Made in America (MIA) products may become more important as customization comes into play. However, many U.S. firms think exporting is too hard or too complicated, or are often unaware of available export assistance.

Over 20 Free Trade agreements have been created to help lower trade barriers and decrease America's trade deficit.

MIA Export team works hard to enhance the value chain to support the exploration of fast growing global market.


MIA Export is backed by private equity investment (phase I: $10 million), to focus on upgrading traditional export services to innovative solution provider. This effort is necessary for the U.S. to compete in a global economy.

We partner with The Henry Samueli School of Engineering at UC Irvine. The research and development of intelligent automation and advanced materials is critical to solving problems in healthcare services and manufacturing process, as Solution H and Solution M respectively.


We developed operations capability in major US ports. The main warehouse, quality lab, and data center are being centralized near Long Beach port.

Our operations team drives entire due diligence process, to qualify preferred vendors in U.S., in criteria of patent, QA/QC, HSE, logistic, supply chain, and data process. We also involve professional partners to perform on-site plant audit, toll-manufacturing, and legal / tax services.

We work with commercial service specialists,, to carry out our core value. Moreover, with U.S. Embassies and Consulates in more than 75 countries, the U.S. Commercial Service helps look out for business interests abroad, with export counseling, market research, trade events, and more.